Saturday Fun: DIY Glitter Phone Charger

16 Jul

glitter phone charger

Hey everyone! Today’s post is all about glamming up your boring old cell phone charger, and of course there’s no better way to do that than by covering it with glitter! This DIY project is super easy to do, so say goodbye to ordinary and hello to fabulous!

What You’ll Need: 

  • Mod podge – clear works and looks the best
  • Glitter – Choose any size and color that you want. Be creative: mix and match! 
  • Clear acrylic sealer – This will ensure that your masterpiece can last as long as possible!
  • Masking tape – Be sure to choose one that won’t leave any sticky residue and tape over the metal plugs so you don’t damage the charger


  1. Start out by taping over all of the metal pieces so they don’t get ruined while you get crafty
  2. Paint over where you want to add glitter with your clear mod podge
  3. Before the base coat dries, add as much glitter as your heart desires!
  4. Once you have the glitter exactly how you want it, let it all completely dry 
  5. To finish, apply a coat of the clear acrylic sealer to keep everything in place and to avoid a future mess!
  6. Lastly, remove all of the tape from the metal pieces and try it out to make sure it still works

glitter phone charger


The final product will be super girly and totally you! So have fun with it! 

3 Responses to “Saturday Fun: DIY Glitter Phone Charger”

  1. Evita July 16, 2012 at 2:52 pm #

    looking forward to another great article.

  2. Aniele July 16, 2012 at 11:53 pm #

    it’s kinda interesting.

  3. Adriana July 17, 2012 at 2:08 am #

    i believe you!

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